Saturday, April 9, 2016

Should You Take Chicken Out of Your Diet - Maybe, But Not Yet

Who knows, I don't know you, but maybe you are one of the hundreds of millions of Americans that needs to eat less or go on a diet. If so, this article may actually help you eat better, lose weight, and stay healthier.


Today, more than ever with 7 billion people on the planet we need to watch our food supply and make sure that what we eat and put in our mouths is not only good for us, but is also safe. A good bit of what we eat as Americans comes from other countries. Let's go ahead and talk about this for a moment if we might.

We've made new deals with Mexico to import more agricultural products, and our pharmaceuticals are being made in China, and much of the ingredients we put in our foods also comes from foreign sources. Although the food is processed here the United States, those ingredients didn't start here. Therefore, one has to ask; what is in all those ingredients, and has the FDA looked into all the factories that make all those ingredients? The answer is; No!

Perhaps you've seen the 60 Minute Specials talking about how some of our fish has been mislabeled. We are paying for one type of fish, but getting something else. We know this is going on with fish, but what else? Surely fish aren't the only thing we should be concerned about. There was a scary article on MSNBC on September 5, 2013 titled; "Your chicken nuggets may soon come from China - The USDA lifts a ban on Chinese processed poultry exports, but it has no way to monitor how the food will be handled there," by Jason Notte.

Now then, this concerns me greatly - let me explain why I say this. It took years for the FDA to get serious about inspecting our poultry industry here in the United States. In the 60s and 70s there were exposés about some of the unsavory processing practices in the poultry industry, but at the time the industry with its unions, and large politically connected farmers made things rather tough to correct. Essentially, this does raise the cost of the chicken we buy due to all the regulations, but if we are to switch to cheaper chickens from China, with no regulations what should we expect?

Personally, I wouldn't expect them to be safe, nor would I expect them to be as safe as our poultry industry back in the 60s and 70s. If those chickens are being shipped to a foreign country, why should those that process the chickens care? If they aren't inspected robustly, we will see the same sort of issues we saw with the fish coming from China. In that case, I'd advise you not to eat it. If that helps you lose weight, maybe I'm killing two birds with one stone? Who knows, maybe that's the way they kill the chickens before processing in China? Please consider all this and think on it.

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