Tuesday, April 26, 2016

3 Cardio Workout Tips to Get Flat Abs in a Month Or Two

The main key to getting flat abs is to be able to burn off the excess belly fat. One of the best ways to do this is to do cardio workouts. Cardio can burn a lot of fat fast... if you know how to do it right. The only problem is that most people haven't a clue as to how to do cardiovascular workouts effectively to burn maximum fat. By the end of this article you will not be one of them.

Here are 3 tips to use cardio workouts to get flat abs in a month or 2:

1. Choose the right workouts - If you have 30 minutes to do cardio, you need to choose the kind of workout which will burn off the most fat. Here are some of the most effective cardio workouts in term of fat burning:
  • Running
  • Rowing
  • Rock climbing
  • Spinning
  • Kickboxing classes
  • Aerobic dance classes
2. Make sure you make the most of your time - You can't expect to have good results unless you really push yourself to the limit. You won't burn belly fat without making a real effort. You shouldn't do things which may result in injury but you can't just pass the time either. A good rule of thumb is that it's better to do short but hard workouts than to do long and tedious cardio at a slow or medium pace.
3. Diversity is key - You shouldn't focus on just one cardio workout. You need to challenge your body in different ways. You can run 6 miles easily but have a hard time jumping rope or rowing. Each workout exercises the body in a different way and this helps to burn more fat and make you a fitter person.

Of course, cardio alone will not get you flat abs in a month or two. You have to watch what you eat and make sure you're leading a healthy life to get and maintain the best results.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/John_Davenport/92959

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