Tuesday, April 26, 2016

How to Boost Your Metabolism at Any Age

You are probably reading this article with a few questions in mind. Most people are really only concerned with their metabolism because there is a question behind the "How can I boost my metabolism?" question. You may be asking how can I boost my metabolism so that I can lose weight? Or you may be saying when I was younger my metabolism was so much higher- is there anything I can do to boost it? Or some of you are asking how can I boost my metabolism so that I can eat dessert without gaining weight?


It is true that there are factors that you may not be able to control such as age, genetics, gender, stressful circumstances... But there definitely are ways to boost your metabolism. I am going to give you eight of them. But, first, I want to give you some words of encouragement about weight loss.

Yes, weight loss is important if you are overweight. Being overweight can lead to diabetes, heart disease, joint problems, difficulty breathing... But weight loss is not the only indicator of health. There are many other equally important indicators such as heart rate, blood pressure, flexibility, cholesterol, hip/waist ratio...
As the owner of a personal training studio I see daily how our culture's idea of beauty as "thin and sexy" has damaged us. Many women struggle with body and self-esteem issues because of it and that saddens me greatly. So, I say all of that to encourage you to strive for health and wellness and not only the ideal body image. The ideal body image is an illusive target. Very few find it. It is usually "just" five more pounds and I'll be happy. Then five more. Then five more. And the person is never happy. I want life and health for you and I hope this report will offer that to you.

Now to the eight metabolism boosting tips I promised.

Tip #1 Build lean muscle.
This is one of the best things you could do for yourself. Most people walk, jog, or do some form of cardiovascular exercise to burn calories and it works. But the problem is that the calories are being burned only while you exercise. The fact is that your metabolism is working 24 hours a day and one pound of lean muscle burns 35 calories per day while one pound of fat burns only 2. So, if over the course of the next 6-12 months you lose 25 pounds of fat but add ten pounds of muscle, then you boost your metabolism to burn 350 more calories per day. In order to do this you will need to strength train at least three times per week. If weight training is new to you then I would suggest hiring a certified personal trainer to design a program for you and show you the correct form and technique.

Tip #2 Move your body.
All sedentary people can boost their metabolism just by going for daily walks. A suggestion is to walk over your lunch break or after dinner. But the most effective boost is going to come from high intensity cardiovascular exercise and especially interval training. Again, if this is new to you I suggest seeking the help of a certified personal trainer who can design a program that is the right intensity for your age and current level of fitness. You do not want your program to be too easy nor too hard.

Tip #3 Eat 5-6 smaller meals rather than 2-3 per day.
Your metabolism will slow down to conserve energy if you wait too long between meals. And you are more likely to overeat because you are so hungry if you stick to the traditional breakfast, lunch, and dinner schedule.

Tip #4 Break the fast.
Eating breakfast gets your metabolism fired back up after a 7-8 hour fasting state while you slept.
Tip #5 Snack smart. (This tip comes to us via from Samantha Heller MS, RD, Senior Clinical Nutritionist at New York University Medical Center.)

Center your snacks on a lean protein paired with a complex carbohydrate or fat. Protein requires more energy for digestion without spiking your insulin levels. Snack ideas include yogurt and fruit, a little peanut butter with an apple or whole grain crackers/bread, or hummus with raw vegetables.

Tip #6 Don't starve yourself.
Too few calories will send your body into a starvation state causing it to store more calories than it burns. Also, you will not have the necessary energy to do the lean muscle weight training or high intensity cardiovascular exercise that was suggested earlier.

Tip #7 B-Vitamins and Magnesium. (Also, from Samantha Heller MS, RD)
B-vitamins are an integral part of metabolism of protein, carbohydrates, and fats and in energy production. Foods high in B-vitamins include spinach, beans (navy, black, soy), asparagus, fish, and eggs. Magnesium is a mineral needed in over 300 chemical reactions in the body including metabolism and energy production. Sources of Mg include spinach, halibut, almonds, cashews, peanuts, soy beans, whole grain cereals, and oatmeal.

Tip #8 Drink water.
The energy burning process of metabolism needs water to work effectively. One way to drink more water is to opt for at least one glass of water with all meals.

So, there you have eight tips to help you boost your metabolism. They will work. Our bodies operate within certain rules of nature just like gravity. If I throw a brick in the air it will eventually come down. If you consistently move your body and eat well, your metabolism will optimize itself. I wish you all the best in your quest for health and happiness.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/PJ_Musilli/278369

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