Wednesday, April 27, 2016

How to Lose Weight Fast With the Lemon Cleanse

You're looking to lose a few pounds and you hear about the lemon cleanse (some refer to it as the Lemonade Diet). What exactly is it and does it work? While it started out as the master cleanser to clear the body of toxins, it has proven itself as a good way to drop a few pounds or jump start a long range weight loss program.

Lose Weight

The master cleanse has been around for a long time. It was created by Stanley Burroughs and was included in his book Healing for the Age of Enlightenment. Burroughs later wrote a book entirely on the detoxification process he created called The Master Cleanser.

This book is still available today and although only 50 pages (it sells for $6. 50), it gives complete details on exactly what you need to do before, during and after going on the master cleanse.

So how does the lemon cleanse diet or master cleanse work? For 10 days you do not eat solids foods of any kind. Your intake is limited to a drink mixture that consists of the juice of half of a lemon - fresh only, no prepackaged lemon juice- 2 tablespoons of maple syrup (grade B, or you can use agave instead), and 1/10th of a teaspoon of cayenne pepper mixed together in 8 ounces of water. You can drink this from 6 to 12 times a day.

With only three ingredients making up the diet, people started to refer to it as the lemonade diet, the pepper diet and the maple syrup diet. If it sounds a little flimsy, each ingredient has a major role during the fast.
The lemon juice provides vitamin C, minerals and improves the pH balance of the body. Maintaining a healthy pH level and keeping the alkaline levels on an even keel helps the body build its immunity system. Unprocessed honey is high in zinc, minerals and manganese and provides some calories during the fast. The cayenne pepper stimulates your metabolism and helps with circulation.

But don't jump the gun yet. The lemon cleanse diet may help you lose weight fast but it is still a 10 day fast. It is important that you read The Master Cleanser in its entirety before you begin. You should also check with your doctor, especially if you have any health concerns.

While you might be encouraged by Beyonce's quick weight loss, the lemon cleanse is not for everyone. If you think you want to try it, check with your doctor first, and at least read The Master Cleanser before you begin. There are things that you need to do to prepare your body for this fasting process. In his book, Glickman has a list of 12 reasons why people fail to complete this diet. Read the testimonials of people who have completed it and read about their ups, downs and ultimately, their weight loss.

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