Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Crock Pot Beef Stew - Can It Be Interesting?

Crock Pot Beef Stew can be delicious and interesting.
We often get asked for new and interesting recipes. People seem to get 'stuck' with their crock pot and struggle to find new recipes.

Crock Pot

The standard basic, slow cooker beef stew is to put in the vegetables first, then add the meat and pour a can of soup over the whole thing.

Now, this is delicious. But....
There are times when you want to do something else. Times when you want something a bit more gourmet.
One of the easiest ways to do something new is to find a conventional oven beef stew recipe. And adapt it for the crock pot so as to create your own original crock pot beef stew recipe.
Now this is when most people seem to go weak at the knees and start to panic.

Relax. Truly it is easy. You can do this.
Firstly, you know to put the vegetables in first and then the meat (so that it all cooks). So you are part way to converting that recipe already.

Next, examine the other ingredients. Because the crock pot cooks with the lid on, you will need less liquid. So reduce the amount of water, wine or stock that is in the recipe.

The other thing is to note that herbs sometime loose their intensity in the long cooking process. So an hour before serving, sneak a taste - it's ok, I do it all the time.

And add some more if needed.
At the same time just check the fluid levels. More than likely there will be too much liquid.
Just get a tablespoon or two of corn starch (corn flour), mix with a tablespoon of water and stir in. Put the lid back on and allow to cook for a while longer.

Give it a try. Just think the recipe through first. And you will soon have a delicious crock pot beef stew recipe that the family loves.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Lisa_Paterson/3776

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