Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Metabolism and How to Lose Weight Fast

The question how to lose weight fast is widespread. There may be numerous ways to do it that include a variety of exercises, fad diets amongst other things. A majority of them somehow forget to stress on the importance of good metabolism for faster rate of weight loss although that is what genuine programs do to lose weight fast.
Fat burning and Metabolism
Increasing metabolism is the best way to burn fat and a great way to lose weight fast and that should be complimented with a genuine diet for maximum results. The trouble is human body begins to slow down the metabolic rate as we age and simply does not burn enough calories that would be needed unlike it did when we were young. But you must recognize that metabolism is the biggest activity that burns off calories on any day.

Since every individual has a different metabolic rate, it's impossible to have a blanket rule to recommend an individual safe calorie intake level. Yet the truth remains that it's pretty hard to lose weight with slow metabolism as the food consumed stays stocked in the body instead of getting burnt off for energy. So, a way out for people with slower metabolism is eating several small meals and snacks through the day instead of eating three large meals a day. The accumulation of fat that leads to overweight is a slow process and your BMI chart over time will be gradual, without spikes. Therefore, "weight loss" is clearly a function of your eating habits and level of physical activity.

Resistance training, weight training and aerobic or cardiovascular exercises help both men and women by burning more fat and building muscle due to raised metabolism.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Alevoor_Rajagopal/14082

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