Sunday, May 1, 2016

How to Lose Weight Doing Cardio - Discover the Best Way to Do It

It is known that cardio routines are capable of accelerating weight loss fast, but it is believed to have ambiguous effects which can make it hard to burn fat. If you want to join a fat loss program which involves doing cardio on steady routines, you should try to know better on the ways your body responds to certain changes, the extent that is regarded as been ineffective, and the amount that is know to be too small to be efficient to lose fat.


Since many years now, people that claim to be experienced in fat loss prescribe slow and steady cardio done in the fat burning region to be the most efficient means for fat loss. Not long ago, some professionals started making the brag that quick and intense kinds of cardio are more efficient than slow and steady cardio for fat loss. Some even maintain that they have got some research to prove their claim.

Regarding this claim, the research that made interval workout as the most effective kind of cardio is sending the wrong message about it, both good and bogus at worst. How to lose weight doing cardio can be effective if done the appropriate way.

Professionals can fight and brag about that cardio is the best way to lose weight, but the truth is still that everybody reacts differently. Interval workout can be the most efficient cardio technique to lose fat for one person, and steady state can also be the most efficient tool for fat loss for the other person.

I have experimented and fine-tuned some techniques using my hands and with other of my customers. Assuming your main target is lose fat, and you need to involve cardio workout without the need to experiment with each of its kinds for years, then this is the best way to join both of them. I always do this and I have also been prescribing them to my customers for many years now and I must tell you that it has been to be a tremendous result.

Cardio routine for fat loss
You should start with slow and steady training in the 60-70 THR series, and interchange it in the various structure of the interval training technique.

Below are the two illustrations of fat loss cardio training
Day-to-day training for fat loss
Day 1: slow and stead at 70% THR for 19 minutes
Day 2: Interval workout for 5 to 9 turn
Day 3: Take a rest
Day 4: Slow and steady at 70% for 19 minutes
Day 5: Interval routine
Day 6: Take a rest
Day 7: Take a rest

Week after week cardio routine for fat loss
Week One - Slow steady at 70% THR for 19 minutes 4 times for a week
Week two - Interval workout for 6 to 10 4 times for a week
The most essential element here is the rotation, it does not matter the form, considering the fact you do readjust them in an orderly form. The thing that makes it wildly efficient is that you are able to readjust less intensified workout with high intensified workout for some days or even weeks. This will make your body not to be used to one kind of exercises and it will aid to avoid you from getting fat loss plateaus.

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