Monday, May 2, 2016

2 Intense Cardio Training Exercises For Crazy Fat Loss!

Intense cardio is a sure way for you to annihilate the body fat. If you are looking to lose your love handles, shrink your waistline, and improve your overall fitness then raising your level of perceived exertion through intense cardio training is the way to go. This is why I have included 2 hard hitting cardio strength training exercises here to drastically enhance your level of fitness and speed up your fat loss progress!


Intense Cardio For Fat Loss!
1. Dual Kettlebell Swings: If you have read any of my other material then you know that kettlebell swings are the staple of what I consider an effective cardio strength program. However, to intensify this particular exercise and to give it a little more of an upgrade in intensity then try swinging 2 bells at the same time. Dual kettlebell swings are a tremendous way for you to get a hard hitting workout to drastically speed up your metabolism by engaging much more of your stabilizing muscles while giving your heart quite the workout.

To execute this drill you will need the availability of a pair of bells of moderate intensity. Place them on the ground between your feet with your stance at about slightly wider than shoulder width distance apart. From here squat down to pick up the bells with both arms. Next, you are going to engage your hips and core by forcefully flexing and then extending at both your hip and knee joints to create the momentum to swing the bells back and forth like a pendulum. The key to this movement with your hips and knees is to make sure that it is continuous and that there is no pausing or stopping between each swing. After only executing a few of these reps you will see why this is an intense cardio workout.

2. Uphill Kettlebell Farmer's Walk: If you are looking for another dynamic and slightly different way to train your body and enhance your cardiovascular fitness program then uphill kettlebell farmer's walks are a great way to start. To begin, simply find a flat sidewalk, trail, or road that has a slight increase in the grade. Start at the bottom of the hill or trail holding a kettlebell in each hand. From here you are simply going to walk up the hill while holding the kettlebells. You are simply toting the bells uphill for a total body workout. This is a great cardio workout program and you will be shocked at just how challenging this exercise can be with just a pair of moderately heavy bells.

If you haven't already started to include kettlebell farmer's walks and dual bell swings into your fat loss cardio program then you are missing out. Get your body in shape for the summertime by starting now.
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